Phillip Jack Adams

Obituary of Phillip William Jack Adams

Phillip William Jack Adams, was born in London England on the 18th of February 1920. At 19 years of age, Phillip was a member of the Royal Corps of Engineers and fought for his country and the allies from 1939 to 1946. Phillip a demolition expert, and the corps of Engineers followed the German Army around North Africa until the very end, where Germany’s General Rommel, know as the ‘Desert fox’ was finally defeated. Redeployed by parachute on the isle of Crete where he was captured by the Germans, but as he had been told to do, Phillip escaped and stole a row boat along with a friend. His friend later died of his wounds, but Phillip was picked up by a British destroyer and taken to safety. Phillip was again reunited with the Corps of Engineers and sent to Palestine and Iraq. There, he, and his friends in the corps of engineers where successful at destroying and cutting off oil and fuel supplies to Germany. Mission accomplished, Phillip was reassigned as an anti aircraft gunner on a British destroyer. Along with Russian allies, again cut off supplies to Germany and destroying enemy aircraft to the very end, when Germany was finally defeated. Phillip told his story recently, and only once, to his daughter Ann and son-in-law Glen Moffat of Richmond Hill. Phillip died the day before Remembrance Day, on Friday November 10th, 2017 at Cedarvale Nursing Home in Keswick, Ontario, Canada at the age of 97 years. Lest we forget
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